Saturday, 21 December 2013

Gingerbread Foundations

Christmas is just around the corner! The last minute shopping, the trees are up and the festive clothing is out in full force! Last night at Helen's Bay Youth, we had our Christmas Party and everyone was in the holiday spirit.

We of course had the obligatory game of Pass The Parcel, a little party with snacks and drinks, but the highlight of the night had to be making our Gingerbread Houses. Chaos isn't usually a word I'd associate with Christmas, but after some of the houses yesterday I think that it is most appropriate. Of course not all of the house were bad. 2 were brilliant, 1 was decent enough (my group yeooo) and then 1 was pure awful. You can guess which ones are which below...

However, with our group particularly we struggled with wobbly walls. The group that had a pile of gingerbread rubble for their house would also say their wobbly walls were at fault. I think that most groups struggled with the shaky nature of the houses. Why? Well there were no foundations...

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” - Matthew  7 v 24 - 27

It's exactly the same for us as people. Not even just Christians. Everyone has foundations - it just depends what you build them on... and whether or not they are solid. Some people have friends, family, or wealth as foundations. Whilst these things may not be bad inherently, if you look to build your life on them they will surely let you down and your 'house' will collapse.

You want solid foundations? Choose Jesus. He's the only one that will be able to keep your walls firm and your house steady in even the most troubling storms of your life - just make your foundation in Him.

How can I make a foundation in Jesus? What's that even mean? Start by accepting Him into your life and living the way God wants you to. Taking time to get to know your Father by reading His word and talking with Him in prayer is vital.

Take a look at the Gingerbread houses again. Which one are you going to be?

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Christmas Came Early

As soon as Christmas last year had ended we were already starting to see Facebook status' counting down the days until next Christmas. It's that one time of the year that everyone is waiting for. I was waiting for Christmas for a different reason than the festivities, the copious amounts of turkey and of course the presents. I was waiting until I was off University for Christmas so I had time to travel back to Latvia.

Have you ever had Christmas come early? You got some good news. Your football team got an unexpected great result. Or maybe a relative has sent you a Christmas card with money in it a week early. Well my Christmas had came early being in Latvia last week.

I was only there from Monday until Friday, but it was surprising how many things I was able to fit into 4 days. My main reason for going back was to visit the Children's Centre in Karosta, Liepaja, where I used to volunteer. I was living and serving in this Centre for around a year and a half, and it became home to me. The children became my brothers and sisters, and it was the hardest thing to leave behind when coming home. Naturally I miss them, and I was ecstatic to have the opportunity to visit them.

They weren't so pleased. Well they were happy to see me as well, until I told them that I was staying only until Friday and the next time I'd be back would probably be the summer. Needless to say, I was the victim of a few bad words and slight physical torment. I had also brought over a pile of clothes for the kids and teenagers - some second hand and some brand new. Thank you for anyone who gave me clothes or money to support the need of these children. I was able to buy 20 pairs of gloves, 20 pairs of socks and 12 hats for only £65 in Primark to bring as well as the tonne of second hand clothes too. The director of the Centre will be able to give them out to those in need, and they are extremely grateful of this support.

On the Tuesday morning, I was able to return to 5-a-side football with my friends from the Liepaja police. I used to play with them twice a week when I lived there, and can't really remember how I got involved in playing there! But there great guys and I miss them too, so it was great to go and play some football with them, and to keep our friendships going. I ask you to be praying for those guys too! On Tuesday evening, I was able to meet some kids from our summer camp and play bowling with them. It was a great time together, although I suck at bowling, and its important to not forget about the work we did in the summer. God is still working in these children and we need to continue to work with Him in our prayers.

Finally, I was able to spend a substantial amount of time with our friends - a family of 4 in Liepaja. I met Igor and Liga in YWAM originally, and our friendship has continued since then. They have two amazing sons, and are people of God, whom I respect and love. It was great to have a meal at theirs and to just enjoy fellowship together again. Be praying for this family together with me! I am looking forward to the next time I can see them again.

All in all an amazing week - just too short! Please be praying for all the people I have mentioned in this post, I am thankful and I know they would really appreciate it too. If you've any questions or would like to know some information then please get in touch with me! Maybe you'll even want to come along with me next time ;)  Blessings.

“Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!”

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Who do they see? - Chapter 4

Have you ever thought about the idea of representing somebody else or something? I remember that when I was younger, if we were out in public somewhere and I was badly behaved then my Mum used to scold me saying that I was representing her too and that I was making her look bad.

What about sports? I'm a big football fan. Every footballers' dream is to represent their country - to play for the National Team. The highest honour there is. It's the idea that once you put on that kit and you take to the pitch with the whole world watching, then you aren't just representing yourself.

'No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.' - 1 John 4 v 12

This verse in 1 John 4 really stood out to me when I was reading it last week. Nobody has ever seen God, but God lives in us. So then when people look at us, can they see God? Is that how people see God, through us? Quite a scary thought actually. Are you a good representative of God? The Father of mankind, the Creator of the Universe, the Lord of all the Earth. Are you a good representative for Him?

Oosh. I almost cringe thinking about this. I know that if you were to follow me around 24/7 then you would see that I am not a great representative of the Kingdom of Heaven. Scrap that - you don't need to follow me all the time. You who know me can see that I'm not a perfect reflection of Jesus. It's hard right?

How can we do it better though? How can people see God more in us? Well right there in the verse - in love. Love people. Everyone. But love is not just a noun, its a verb. It's active, not passive. It's not about just saying 'i love them', it's about physically going and demonstrating that love.

How can you show your love to a different person each and every day? 
How will people see God in you, in your love, every day?
How will you be a good representative for Jesus daily?

"I believe that an [individual] working for and representing the Kingdom of God should do the best of their ability to show and prove the depth, life, newness, creativity, truth and excitement of their Heavenly Father through the work that is set before them." - Daniel Smith

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Is your Dad happy? - Chapter 2

How many times have you done something that annoyed your parents?  I know I have. I like to think I don't do it as much anymore but I know when I was a teenager I used to clash heads constantly with my Mum.  So my second question is how often do we please our parents? Do we make them happy?

I was reading through 1 John chapter 2 yesterday and although it's a large enough chapter only one verse kind of stuck out for me. It's in the NLT version so it worded it in this way and it provoked some thought for me. Check it out:

'And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who pleases God will live forever.' - 1 John 2 v 17

The word 'pleases' really made me think. The verse alludes to so many other things that I could discuss such as eternal life or the desires of the world. Instead, I was faced with the seemingly simple question of "How can I please God?"

We all want to please our parents, so of course we should want to please our Heavenly Father too right? But what does that look like practically on a day to day basis? How can I make God happy by doing something every day?

I think we always get so caught up with "what does God command me to do in this situation?" or "what does God want me to do now?" But I very rarely consider "will what I'm about to do make God happy?" or "Will this please God?"

It can take endless forms of course, some that we can find in the Bible too - such as giving to the poor, practically showing love and helping our neighbour, but there's room for creativity. So have a think and that's my challenge to you - How can you please God by doing one thing every day?

Thursday, 7 November 2013

"Here's Johnny" - Chapter 1

It's been a while since my last post, and I guess it's because I've been pretty busy. It's been a good busy with University and with ministry, but it's also been a challenging busy - namely to make time for God and to really spend meaningful time reflecting on what I read in His word.

Today I started reading 1 John again and then spent some time reflecting on the passage with Zaiga. We read chapter 1 today, and it's very challenging despite it's short length. I thought it would be cool to let you follow along on this journey into looking into 1 John with us, so I'll try to update this when something really strikes me! So... here's Johnny...

'We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We are writing these things so that you may fully share our joy.' - 1 John 1 v 3 + 4

Do you share about your faith enough? Or furthermore, do you share about your faith with joy? What a challenge. I know that I don't talk about how much God is doing in my life enough, and I surely know that when I do it's probably not nearly as positive and joyful as it needs to be! As Christians we need to be sharing our faith joyfully with other believers to encourage them! We need to share with joy with non-Christians to make them think! First challenge...

'God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.' - 1 John 1 v 5 + 6

Second challenge... Pretty black and white, literally. God is light and has no darkness in Him at all. So if we are living a lifestyle of sin then we are apart from Him and His fellowship. This doesn't mean that Christians don't sin - of course we do. But what is important to note is that when we sin, we don't sin in the light but rather we stray from the light and walk in the darkness - We are broken off from fellowship with God. We can't be in fellowship with God and sin because it is fundamentally contradictory to His character. Seems pretty glum right? But there's hope, read on:

'But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.' - 1 John 1 v 7

Hope! When we are walking in darkness, when we have left the light to stride in sin, when we are apart from God blocked by our sins there is hope. Return to the light! If we come back into fellowship with our Father and with Jesus, then His blood cleanses us from our sins and we are pure again. Pure again to walk in the pure light of our Father God. Be encouraged.

“Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball of light in one's hand.” 
- Ezra Pound

Monday, 7 October 2013

Friends - "Cause I'll be there for you..."

Friends - what a t.v. show!!! It seems like every time I put on the t.v. as I am sitting down to eat my lunch there is an episode of Friends showing. It's great, 20 minutes or so long, just the right time for me to be entertained as I eat my lunch. It's entertaining, funny and sometimes makes you think. Without a doubt one of the best t.v. shows ever! What I especially like about this show is that it reveals to us the importance of a great group of friends.

When I say that friends are important, I mean really good friends. Not just people you see every day in your life, or people you work with, but truly people you consider great friends. People that will be there for you during the hard times, as well as the good times. I am blessed to have 3 of the best friends I could ask for - James, David and Carl. Not only is it great to have a group of 4 close friends that have known each other for a long time, but it's especially beneficial for us all because we're all Christian guys. That's my definition of a great friend - someone that will understand you and what you're going through, and will be there for you. That's what my group of friends are like for each other - we understand each other very well, mostly because we ourselves are going through the same things as Christian guys.

I know I'm saying that friends are important, but don't just trust me. Check what the Bible says about them:

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." - Ecclesiastes 4 v 9-12

Friends are there for support and for help. They are there to rejoice with when you've great news, but they're also there to comfort you when you've bad news. They are with you to listen, and to give advice, to encourage you and to challenge you too when it's needed. Friends are important for anybody in life, but friends to have fellowship as a Christian are absolutely vital.

If you have great friends, then you're blessed so appreciate them and tell them your gratitude. If you think your friends maybe aren't the best people for your growth spiritually, or even if they just aren't true friends, then maybe you need to think about how you choose your friends.

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” - Jane Austen

Be blessed until next time...

Friday, 27 September 2013

The FIFA Challenge

Last night, my best friend James and myself went to Tesco's at midnight to buy the new FIFA 14. Upon entering the store, we were greeted with what can only be described as 'a long line of lads'! It's the day that every football fan everywhere waits for every year - the release of the new FIFA game. Regardless of what console you play, it's something that we all eagerly and expectantly look forward to. Just look at her in all her beauty and glory:

We arrived home and got stuck into it. Before we knew it, it was nearly 2am and James had to go home to bed as the poor guy was getting up at 7am for work. hehe... I played on until 4am and can honestly say I regret nothing! I woke up today and sure enough wasted no time resuming my manager mode as the Spurs manager.

FIFA is undoubtedly a great game. But it comes with a challenge for a committed follower of Jesus. How much time will we spend smashing goals into the back of the net in a virtual reality? And how much time, in comparison, will we give to our Father? Thinking about this today after a few hours on the Xbox, I felt a little bit ashamed. Of course, it's impractical and unreasonable to say reading our Bible or praying needs to take up more time than anything else we do in our daily routines. But I think it speaks hugely about priorities... Follow on

In Luke 10, Jesus goes to visit Martha and her sister Mary. All the time, Martha is rushing around preparing the dinner and making sure everything was perfect - and I don't blame her. It would probably be my first response to if Jesus came to my house too! Her intentions may have been sound, but her priorities perhaps weren't so good. Her sister Mary definitely knew the score, and her priorities set. Check it out:

'Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught.' 
- Luke 10 v 39

Taking time with God takes precedence over everything else in our lives. No questions. No excuses. Not even FIFA 14 is a valid reason for not sitting at the Lord's feet and listening to His teaching. Lads, maybe ladies too, of course play your FIFA 14 and enjoy it. 

I failed the FIFA challenge today - I picked up the controller before I picked up my Bible. Let's make sure every day, we are taking time out to learn from God; to be in His word and connect with Him in prayer. Let's get our priorities straight...

It's more important than winning the league...

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

New Year. New Faces.

Hey guys,
this is the first time that I've updated the blog since last month and I'm sure that in both my own life, and your lives, things have changed a lot. Mainly, apart from a lot of University students who seem to be off more than in lectures, the summer has ended once more for us all. We're back to school. Back to work. Back to life. No more sun and free time with friends, or at least not so much.

I started University for the first time also this week: I'm studying Youth Work and Practical Theology for those interested! Starting for the first time meant that there were a lot of new aspects to my life. New routines, new location, but most of all - new people. On my course, in my year specifically, there are 15 of us students. So that's 14 new faces, new names and new individuals to get to know. Still struggling a bit after the third day with the names alone but I'm getting there!

This led me however on one of my many day dreaming sessions in lectures to think about introductions, meeting new people and developing relationships with some of them. We all have a choice when we meet a new person for the first time, do we not? We choose either to get to know that person more, or we don't ever develop the relationship with the person. The last response leads to 2 outcomes. Firstly, they're in our lives barely: we don't know them very well, we don't tend to spend much time with them, and although we know a little bit about them, we don't really bother with them too much. Or finally, they simply aren't our lives at all, we make no effort with them and continue living as if we never were introduced to them.

"Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in Heaven will enter. On judgement day many will say to me, 'Lord! Lord!'... But I will reply, 'I never knew you'..." - Matthew 7 v 21 - 23

It's true for God too. I'm sure lots of us have heard about God, been "introduced" to God if you will. Maybe we didn't think about it at the time, but we all made a subconscious decision either to get to know Him further or not to. Some of us, like me, are developing our relationship with our Father God: always getting to know Him more and deepening our relationship with the Lord. What about you? Maybe you aren't. So what are you guys doing?

Is God in your life at all? Did you just forget about hearing about God for the first time, and have went on living ever since regardless? Or is God in your life, but not really changing how you live? It's like a best friend. If they're really in your life, you make a lot of time for them. They change how you live.

It's important to never assume we're in the category that is pursuing our relationship with God - even as Christians. I need to check every day, that I'm making enough time for God and really being intentional in getting to know Him more. I challenge you all to do the same.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Time to Recharge... Again!

Upon coming back to Northern Ireland from Latvia last month, I knew that I had to get my priorities right. So without wasting much time, I went and got myself an IPhone 5. With my previous phone was just about ready to fall to pieces, combine this with the fact that my best friend James was able to get me a staff discount as he was working in the phone shop, I decided it to be a wise investment.

I'm happy to say that I haven't been disappointed by the latest IPhone to take the market by storm. Equipped with my Spiderman cover for it I don't only feel cool, but I look it too! I spend most of my time on my IPhone either listening to music or playing Plants vs Zombies. However, after a while of doing these most enjoyable things, a problem seems to rear it's ugly head. Does this look familiar to you IPhone users?

The IPhone charger! A necessary piece of equipment for all IPhone owners. The battery life on the IPhone is the only problem I have with my new phone. It depletes at a ridiculous rate, especially due to constant use and more so when it's being used for multiple tasks.

I would need to charge my phone every night without fail, and on days when I would be especially determined with Plants vs Zombies then I'd find myself charging it in the afternoon as well so I'd have sufficient battery to last me through the evening.

But this is not just an IPhone 5 review, no! The comparison I am making today is that we are like IPhones. God is our power source. We need to recharge frequently.

We are like the IPhone 5 in many ways. The basic truth and similarity is that we need to be charged every day. Our battery runs low too. Maybe it's from work, University or school. Possibly it's from people; friends or family, or just those we interact with on a daily basis. Sometimes we are emotionally drained from things that happen too. The only way to survive the day when we're at a low, is to plug in to God - our power source. It's important to get our energy and power from the Lord daily, through being in His Word and through prayer. This is how we, as Christians, recharge our battery.

Just like the trusty IPhone, the more we do then the more our power is depleted. Of course, with multiple apps open and the music playing, the IPhone battery runs out quicker. The same is true for us, and it's noticeable. The more we do every day, then obviously the more tired we become. Possibly the more stressed we become. As a result, the more reliant on God we become too. As I've said, I charge my IPhone every night. However, if I've used it a lot and it's been a busy day for him then I'll charge it during the afternoon. If we are having a particularly trying day as Christians, sometimes our time with God in the morning isn't enough. Sometimes, we may need to take some free time in the afternoon just to seek regeneration from God by being in His presence. At least once a day is vital to keep the battery topped up, but sometimes we need to charge more than once.

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11 v 28

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

A New Coat of Paint

Over the course of the last week I briefly re-entered the world of employment. It's been great actually, giving me something to do for once whilst earning a little money at the same time. I was painting a fence for one family in my Church, and as I worked I was also reminded of a fundamental principle of my faith. So let's talk fences...

I'm sure everybody has seen a fence at some point in their life. Maybe you've even painted one yourself! It's also easy enough to remember a worn down, old and battered fence that we've come across in the past. Just imagine a fence - old, discoloured and worn out. It just needs a good lick of paint.
I want to make the metaphor that those old fences are me and you. All of us.

Day to day, we get worn down and eventually worn out completely. All our problems, worries, fears and struggles in our lives leave us broken, faded and discoloured. Whether it's physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, we become exhausted. At these low points we're exactly how an old, broken and faded fence may look. So what to do? Well if we think of a fence, when it gets to a stage where it's completely worn out then the only thing to do is to give it a new coat of paint. It's not any different for us either. We need a new coat of paint, and the only way to get this is from our Father God.

God gives us energy when we're tired and peace when we're unsettled. He takes away our fears and worries, instead giving us reassurance and comfort. Isn't that just like a new coat of paint? We're transformed, not by paint, but by the Holy Spirit's power in us, restoring us to full potential to become more like the men and women of Christ that God has called us to be. This time of restoration, when we are "painted" by God, is vital for every person serious about their faith. We cannot go deeper in our relationships with Jesus without taking time with Him regularly.

'Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.'
- Colossians 3 v10

I'm not a morning person. I'll not lie, and the people that know me can testify that I prefer staying in my bed until lunch time. So the days that I was working, I was getting up around 9am. Not too early you may think. However, it meant that I wasn't fitting in my time with God before I left for work. This wouldn't be a problem in itself as long as I had it later in the day of course. Yet, through my own negligence and laziness, I ended up not reading my Bible or praying and this became a pattern for the few days I was working. Even after a couple of days I noticed a negative change in my own attitude: I was tired, easily angered and more likely to fall into sin.

I've been reminded of the importance this week of spending regular time in the presence of God and being restored by Him. Unlike a fence that gets a new coat of paint not so often, I personally believe we need a new coat of paint every day. If we don't get it then we end up battered and worn down by life - just like an ugly, old fence battered by the elements over time.

Take time with the Lord your Father God, 
and get a new coat of paint.

Monday, 19 August 2013

How to deal with a burning bush

Imagine. You go out into your back garden, possibly to drop some rubbish into the big bin, and to your utter shock you see that one of your bushes in the garden is fully aflame! What would your reaction be? Certainly panic would be my first port of call. But what if you noticed that the plant itself wasn't being consumed, or burnt up, by the fire: It was simply burning away contently. Would that not intrigue you?

'There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush. Moses stared in amazement. Though the bush was engulfed in flames, it didn't burn up.' - Exodus 3 v 2

One of my favourite stories from the Old Testament! It's a great lesson about God speaking to us; one that we often forget or struggle to apply. We've all heard the story before, but don't close the browser just quite yet. Read on, possibly see something in a new light and hopefully be challenged.

There are 3 main things that I would like to pull out of this passage in Exodus:
Drawing close / Being willing / Then hearing.

Number one.
'When the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look, God called to him from the middle of the bush, "Moses! Moses!"' - v4

Reading this passage I noticed how God didn't speak until He saw Moses coming closer. I think this is very true for us today too. Of course God can speak to anyone and at any time, but I feel that a common frustration for Christians today is that they feel like God never speaks to them. I pray and pray, but I get no answer. Right? I find myself in that situation constantly. Remembering this lesson from Moses though is key to understanding perhaps why. Before God even says a word in this passage, Moses had to draw close to the bush first. For us today, I believe that we also need to draw close to God before we will hear His voice. As cliché as it sounds, we need to be taking our time with God every day; reading the Bible, praying and being in His presence. Without this, it's not only unlikely that God will speak to us but also unlikely that we will hear Him if He does. The further we are from someone, the harder it is to hear them speaking, right?

Number two.
'"Here I am!" Moses replied' - v4

Be willing! When God calls your name, and speaks to you, will you be ready? I think the first thing that many of us do, including myself, is that when we feel close to God and are in a good place with Him, then we pull out our long list of questions and prayer requests. It's not wrong in itself of course not! Praying and asking for God's help is good. But sometimes we don't find a good balance. We need just as much listening as we do talking in our time with our Father. That's a relationship; talking and listening, not just one way communication. I learnt a lot from those three simple words from Moses - Here I Am. So overlooked, yet so vital. We need to be saying to God on a daily basis "Here I am". For you God; your plans and your glory, use me however you want.

Number three.
'Then the Lord told him...'

Then! The most important word in the whole passage for me personally! Not first, or immediately, but then. Moses drew close, Moses presented himself willing, and THEN God told him what to do! I know for me, and for many of us, we simply expect God to direct every step of our lives. Showing us clear signs for what path to take, and speaking in a booming voice to tell us what to do. How often do we actually draw close to God first, tell Him we're willing to be used for His will and not our own. It's important to know also that this needs to be a lifestyle, an everyday ritual. It's unlikely, and a little selfish, if I wake up tomorrow doing this and then expecting God to speak. Becoming close with someone takes time. Showing faith and patience by being close with God every day is needed usually before God will THEN tell you what to do.

Thank you for reading as always. Like it and share it, and tell others about it. If you feel challenged or encouraged then that's great, please let me know too so I can rejoice with you in that or even chat further! People have told me how God has spoke to them already in previous blogs and that's what it's all about. It's a channel for God to speak through. Hopefully He has spoken again through this one. Be blessed until next time.

"Our failure to hear His voice when we want to is due to the fact that we do not in general want to hear it, that we want it only when we think we need it." - Dallas Willard. Hearing God.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

More Than a Multi-Coloured Coat

"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

A great quote. One that I believe, rings very true with the life of Joseph in the Old Testament. Many people will know Joseph simply because of his multi-coloured dream coat, or from the famous musical made about his life. However, Joseph was much more than just his fancy coat. He was a man who, despite his awful circumstances, found himself in a position of much power and favour where he was used by God to make an impact.

As I've been reading through Genesis, and recently specifically about the life of Joseph, I more and more see how WHERE we are doesn't really matter. Rather what is important is our attitude. Are we open to let God use us in this place? How can we make the best of this situation for God's glory? Where can I go from here? It's about having vision, and the determination to persevere in the tough places. Although it's important to remember, that just having these things is simply not enough. We must have reliance on and faith in our mighty Father: for Him to give us opportunities and use us in ways that we can't comprehend.

Joseph had it bad. A lot worse than many of us can imagine. He was thrown in a well by his brothers! Only to be hoisted back out and sold into slavery, then falsely accused of rape and then finally put in prison. I don't think that in any of these situations, Joseph wanted to be in those places. He probably had his own plans for life, which certainly wouldn't have included being at the bottom of a well or stuck in prison. Let's take a look at his time as a slave at Potiphar's house. Potiphar, who was an Egyptian officer, purchased Joseph as his slave and set him to work in his household. The key verse to pick out here is:

"The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master." Genesis 39 v 2

Potiphar noticed the success that Joseph was bringing to him and ended up trusting his slave with many more responsibilities. After a while, Joseph was in charge of the whole household and property of Potiphar.

Second scenario - Joseph gets put in the clink. Poor Joseph was set up by Potiphar's wife and ends up in prison. But even in the worse place possible:

"But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love. And the Lord made Joseph a favourite with the prison warden." - Genesis 39 v 21

In no time, the prison warden has Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners and over everything that happened in the prison. Crazy!? Well wait there's more. After his time in prison, Joseph is taken out by the Pharaoh of Egypt who soon also takes a shining to him. Soon Joseph is second in charge of all Egypt, and the most powerful man besides Pharaoh himself.

What can we take from this adventure?!

One thing to remember is that no matter where we are, God can and will give us great opportunities. Just like Joseph, if we keep our eyes on God and trust in Him then He will continue to be faithful to us. Thinking about everyone that got exam results today that will determine where they are for the next few years of their lives, possibly people are disappointed with not getting to their first choice university or even getting in at all. Remember Joseph, he didn't want to be in a well, or to be a slave, or to be in prison. But in all these situations, he trusted God and God helped him. God gave him favour with people in power, and gave Joseph opportunities to use his skills and gifts for success.

Secondly, remember that being somewhere you don't want to be doesn't determine your future. Joseph wasn't in the well forever. He wasn't a slave forever. He wasn't in prison forever either. In fact, he ended up ruling over Egypt - in a place of power and responsibility, and of influence. Don't let your current situation get you down, but look past that to where you can go with trusting in God and being faithful to Him.#

Finally, remember that this comes with a commitment and a responsibility. God doesn't just shower His blessings on us and expect nothing in return. He is a faithful and loving Father, who never turns His back on us even if we are somewhere that He didn't even want us to be either. God expects us to live for Him, and give Him the glory in our lives. If we do this with little responsibility, then He will entrust us with more. The more we get, the more glory we give to Him. God will take us places, give us power and influence, but only if we use it for His Kingdom.

Bruce Lee once said, "To heck with circumstances; I create opportunities." 

Look past bad circumstances, trust God and let Him create opportunities for you; opportunities to shine like a light for His glory in our presently dark world.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Bitter or Sweet

'We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders.' - Psalm 78 v 4

A powerful verse. A challenging verse. Hopefully an inspiring one as well. For anyone that knows me well, will know that I'm very passionate about working with children and young people. I've spent the last 3 years of my life doing it full time, and even before that I was heavily involved in working with youth. There is many different scriptures that I could pull out of the Bible highlighting the importance of working with young people. Yet, this one really spoke to me and is a real inspiration for me to be in youth ministry: to have vision, to dream and to be passionate.

A big part of my life and ministry is summer camps. Everyone loves camps; the kids, the leaders, absolutely everyone. I really get into the swing of camps very easily - the routines, building new relationships, even the early mornings start to seem normal! I usually get very close to the young people that I meet at camps; we share laughs, sometimes tears and always good conversation. I am really thankful that God has blessed me with what I can only assume is 'favour' with the young people, and this makes my job a lot easier in getting to know them. Last week, from the 3rd - 10th August, I had the pleasure of serving our Father in yet another camp for young people. It took place in Ballycastle, up the North Coast, and we got 25 special and talented individuals aged 9-11. As usual my time at this camp was so good that I can't really justify it with words. It was special for me personally, as it was my first camp back in Northern Ireland for a long time. I wasn't really looking forward to coming home from Latvia in all honesty, but after doing this camp God has really changed my heart and welcomed me back to Northern Ireland; home.

We all see talents and gifts that children are good at. We can see that whilst one will be good at football, another may be good at dancing. Maybe, one is kind hearted and serving. This week was no different, but I also experienced something that I didn't before. I saw potential. Not potential for sports or success financially. I saw potential for great men and women of God. Especially spending some time with the lads in dorm groups, God really let me see them through His eyes and witness the potential they have in them to become great ambassadors for Christ's Kingdom. Through praying with them, reading the Bible with them and even just being around them seeing who they truly were for one week led me to be greatly encouraged and inspired. 

Problem. It's a one week camp. After camp, everyone went back to their own families, towns and Churches. As much as I love camps, I get really down after them. I experience what me and my friends joke about as 'The camp hangover'. It's not just because I have great fun at the camps, or miss the children with whom I've made good friendships. It's more than that. It's knowing that I won't be able to disciple and have an influence in these individuals' lives or faiths any more. After my stages of sadness and even annoyance following camp, I left writing about camp for a few days purposely hoping that God would reveal something to me. God is faithful, and He did. Although, it's not an easy lesson for me to learn and tough to appreciate. Check it out:

'It's not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What's important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work.' - 1 Corinthians 3 v 7 + 8

Planting seeds / Watering potential / Harvesting fruit
I realise that I love telling people, especially young people, about Jesus. I love to plant seeds.
But actually, I love watering the plants. I love to be part of the person's life: inspiring and challenging growth.
Who doesn't love seeing results? I also love witnessing the results, harvesting the fruit of labour: seeing a young person grow into a great witness for Jesus.

Problem. Sometimes you can only do one. Camps like this one are an example. Maybe during this camp I planted seeds, and perhaps I also watered some plants. Is it wrong that I want to continue this work? No of course not, but that's what I want to do. It's not selfish per say, because I'm doing for God's glory. But maybe, I'm being a little short sighted. God can see it all. He has the vision and the knowledge to know that I'm needed for one week in a child's life, and afterwards He will use another person for another reason. It's very easy to want to do it all. Maybe by our logic, or our desires, it seems like the best. But God has His own logic, and He taught me a little bit about that wisdom over the last few days.

I wanted to share my lesson. To encourage you guys who are maybe as confused as I was. I hope this can also be a learning curve for others and that, whilst this shouldn't discourage you in doing as much as you can for Jesus, we should realise that God has a bigger plan in peoples' lives. Sometimes we don't get to see the results. But that doesn't mean there won't be any. If He uses us for a mere week, we need believe that He did it with good reason and to trust God to continue that work in the young peoples' lives when they do return to their everyday lives.

PRAY! Pray for the children that were at my camp please. The potential is overwhelming! So pray for them to stay strong and hold tightly to what they heard at camp last week. Let them cling to the Word of God, and treasure it in their hearts. Let it be their joy, peace and refuge through the tough times. Pray mainly that God continues to grow the seeds that were planted in their hearts, through other people watering it and other people harvesting the fruit. Although, camp is a week long, we do have a longer responsibility to commit to supporting these kids through prayer.

Thanks for reading. Be blessed.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

The Next Adventure

“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.”

As many of you know, I have just returned home to Northern Ireland to live and begin studying in Bible College in September. In my head this seems to be the next step in my life, or the next adventure if you want to call it that. The reason that I personally expect it to be an adventure is due to the fact that the last two years of my life have been just that: an adventure. An adventure of faith. Of fun. Of friends.

The last two years of my life were spent living and serving in Latvia, an Eastern European country and one of the Baltic States. I originally moved over to Latvia with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) to study in their Discipleship Training School (DTS). After these 6 months, I then moved to another city, called Liepaja, and started volunteering in a Christian Children's Centre ran by the organisation Hope for Children. The Centre was found in the worst area of the city called Karosta, and mostly work with underprivileged children. The Hope For Children's Day Centre also worked in conjunction with another organisation in the area called Karosta Kids, mainly working with teenagers. During the year and a half that I was in Liepaja, I worked with both these organisations in many different ways. It was certainly an experience that has shaped my life, and an adventure that I certainly will remember with fondness.

However, now I am home in Northern Ireland, and will be studying Youth and Community Work with Practical Theology. Despite the rather lengthy title, I expect my course to very fulfilling, educating and interesting. I felt the time was right for me to begin studying at a higher level to balance out my wealth of experience working with young people. Yet lectures will only be one aspect of my course come September, with the majority of my time being spent on placement. I will be serving in Helen's Bay Presbyterian Church as a youth worker, with a vision to develop youth ministry in the Church. Leaving so many friends and young people that I had built relationships over the last 2 years was very difficult, and I expect that making new relationships and friends in this new place will be equally as challenging. But as Ellen J. Barrier said regarding challenges, “I believe challenges are God's way of strengthening us mentally and spiritually, and yes, physically. After having won each challenge that confronted us, we are wiser and stronger.”

I was told by one man in my home Church of Trinity Presbyterian in Bangor to consider writing a blog or a newsletter to keep people back in Trinity informed of my adventures when I moved on to Helen's Bay to work. He said it would be an encouragement to many people, and lots of people were interested and praying for me already. Because I respect George so much, I took this suggestion to heart and started to contemplate it seriously. After much deliberation, I've decided that it would be good for not only me to journal my own thoughts, but to encourage and let everyone know how my ministry is going. This is what this blog for - to encourage, inspire and challenge you readers. Hopefully it will lead you to following my progress regularly and committing to pray for me and my ministries.

Life is a journey with many adventures. I invite you to follow the course of mine in the near future.