Tuesday, 25 February 2014

We are his house - Jelgava Outreach 2

It's been a couple of days of hard work and great fun, but more so; a couple of days that The Lord has already began to reveal Himself.

There's too much to give you a detailed breakdown of our schedule over the last few days, but during our morning team meeting I read this verse in Ephesians and it really spoke to me.

'Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.' - Ephesians 2 v 20

It's amazing to think that we are the house of God. Not the church building we meet in and sometimes stereotypically view as the house of God. It is us - you and me. It's about fellowship and unity. There are many different, specific and unique parts of the body - but together we are one. Many functions for one purpose.

It's been amazing already to be part of a large group of people giving their time, energy and themselves for the glory of our Father God. During our worship times, its been especially clear to see that God is dwelling among us.

And Jesus is the cornerstone! He completed this house. Without Jesus, our house comes tumbling down. Over these past few days we've been encouraged and empowered by Jesus Christ Himself. And over the next few days we're going to be going out, into the local community of Jelgava, to fulfil one purpose - bringing the Kingdom of God to Jelgava.

Hopefully more updates will follow this one, so stay tuned but more importantly keep us all in your prayers. And until then remember - you are the house of God!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Strangers Passing Through - Jelgava Outreach 1

So as you may have known, I'm back in Latvia this week; from the 22nd Feb - 2nd March. Why? I'm part of a group of friends from NI attending a week of Mercy Mission Outreach in Latvia. The Outreach is a global event, ran by Youth With A Mission, with a team of over 400 people usually from countless different nations. It occurs annually, with every year the Outreach happening in a different city in Latvia.

We were up bright and breezy at 4am to start our travels to Latvia yesterday for one week of Outreach work. We arrived in Riga Airport in the afternoon, and already were greeted by some familiar faces. We took a bus with some other teams to Jelgava, the city where we will be based this week. We are staying in a school in the city, because it's the only place to hold so many people.

Throughout the week we'll be visiting homes with food bags, giving out free clothes, and running a number of different programmes for children, teens, disabled and much more. I hope to put a few regular updates on here about how we're doing, but if that fails then I'll sum it all up with one post at the end of the week!

Last night, The Lord was already at work! We were unloading one truck from Norway, and some local kids were hanging around. They were obviously very curious; seeing all these clothes and toys disappearing from the truck into the school. They were standing right beside where I was working in the line. So I asked if they wanted to help, which of course they were more than happy to. As they excitedly joined our line, I got chatting to them and got to know them a little bit.

Afterwards, the NI team went to a local fast food place for some dinner. There were 5 kids, and the 3 boys also came to Hesburger to join us. Karl bought them some good generously, and we enjoyed their company a little longer.

It's great how a little bit of hard work and a tasty reward can quickly bring a bunch of strangers together. It's a good sign for things to come!
I eagerly await the wonders that God has in store for this week! Whatever we do will prosper!

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. - Psalm 1 v 2-3

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Is there a potential for things to get worse?

If you haven't watched the latest episode of Ross Kemp Extreme World, which focuses on Belfast, then I really encourage you to go away and watch it. Hate. Division. Violence. It's shocking and sad to see something like this in the 21st Century and in first world United Kingdom, never mind 30 minutes from where I live. Here's a short video taster of the episode if you haven't already watched it...

What happened to trust? to peace? to love?

The clip ends with a rather negative note - "Is there a potential for things to get worse there?" Living in Bangor, 15 miles away, is sort of like being in a bubble. We see it on the news, read about it in the papers, hear it on the radio. We just continue to live on in our bubble, hoping that things don't get worse. But when do we actually ever strive to make things better?!

"You are the salt of the earth."
"You are the light of the world."
- Matthew 5 v 13 and 14

It's very easy for us to be indifferent about things happening in the world, or even on our doorsteps. But the Bible tells us, that as Christians, we need to be a light in darkness. That is a strong image of two complete opposites. There is no indifferent alternative between light and darkness. You're one or the other... Which one are you going to be?

It's the same with these Neknomination videos online at the minute. We can think that by simply not being part of it we are doing good. But why not go one step further? I saw one video of a South African guy who was nominated by his friends, but instead of downing alcohol, he went to give food to homeless people. Light in darkness!

Let's be active as Christians! Let's be the light! If we are Jesus' love and peace to people in our broken, evil and hateful societies then I have to believe that our good acts and kindness will stimulate others to live in love, peace and forgiveness as well.

If I was Ross Kemp in the video, I would have ended with a more positive question...
"Is there a potential for things to get better?"

How can you make it better?