When I was younger, getting a McDonald's was a special treat. I used to love it. But nowadays, I'm not so fussed on it. Why? Because I like to be filled. I like big portions that don't leave me hungry an hour later. When you eat a Big Mac from McDonald's, sure, it tastes great. But it doesn't fill you! It doesn't satisfy the hunger. My question is, are we living a Big Mac life?
Jesus declared,
“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
- John 6 v 35
I think everyone goes through life with a hunger. A hole. A void. Call it what you will. Perhaps, it can be best described as feeling as though we're missing something. So what do we do to this hunger? We try to satisfy it. Fill the hole. Close the void. We try drinking, smoking, drugs, relationships, success, money, fame. The list goes on. The only thing that can satisfy this hunger is the bread of life. Jesus Christ. Turn to Jesus and be fulfilled. Sustained. Satisfied.
2. Eating everyday
But let's not fool ourselves into thinking that we accept Jesus into our lives, and instantly our hunger is satisfied. Don't think that because we go to church once a week then we're no longer hungry.
How long does it take you before you get hungry? How long can you go without food before you start to notice? If you're anything like me then I bet it isn't very long. A few hours usually. But have you ever thought, how long can you go without reading your Bible? How long does it take you before you start to miss praying? Again if you're anything like me, then I bet it is a lot longer...
Our spiritual food isn't any different from our physical food. We should be eating every day. How do we expect be full and satisfied in our faith if we aren't eating on a regular basis? If you only eat once a week, then you're going to be physically hungry. In the same way, if we only spend meaningful time with Jesus, growing in our faith, once a week, then we're going to be spiritually malnourished too. If you've no appetite, then you're going to be hungry.
This scares people. It freaked people out when Jesus was preaching this message thousands of years ago, and likewise it freaks people out when they hear this today. Total commitment? Nah, I just want a little bit of Jesus in my life. Just a few crumbs. They eat rarely, and as a result are rarely satisfied. Everyone wants to be full, but nobody wants to eat. They're living the Big Mac life. What are you eating?