Monday, 14 March 2016

'I am the vine'

Ever tried growing a plant? It's hard work. It takes effort. 

The plant needs to be fed. It needs light, it needs water. The plant needs to be nurtured constantly in order to grow to the point where it can bud or produce fruit

In the same way, living as a follower of Jesus takes effort too. Just like a plant won't grow without water or light, we can't grow spiritually without reading the Word of God, praying and having fellowship with Him and others. We need to nurture our relationship with Jesus if we want to see fruit in our lives.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing"
- John 15 v 5

In the very next verse, Jesus reminds his followers that it's not a choice to bear fruit. Rather, if they continue to abide in him, then they will see fruit in their lives.

"If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned"
- John 15 v 6

Followers of Christ don't have an easy job. We've big boots to fill. We're trying to live like Jesus, the Son of God himself. But that's exactly what it means to follow Jesus; that's exactly what it means to bear fruit. That the characteristics of Jesus should be evident in our lives for others to see. What exactly do these fruit look like? Well Galatians 5 v 22 - 23 lists the Fruit of the Spirit as:

It's important to remember that growth takes time. Seeds aren't planted and the next day bear fruit. They take a lot of time and effort, constant nurturing. It's all about a process of transformation

‘Your life, as a believer, if you’re a believer, should look far different today than it did this time last year. And far different last year than it did the year before. You should be growing in the fruits of the Spirit. You should look more like Jesus every single day.'
- Clayton Jennings

What a challenge. Think back to last year... have you been growing? In a year's time, as you sit back to now, how much will you have grown?

Don't neglect your growth.

'I am the way, the truth and the life'

Where are you going?

“I am the way and the truth and the life. 
No one comes to the Father except through me"
- John 14 v 6

We all remember the first part of the verse, don't we? It has almost become a Christian cliché, a nice encouraging verse that we can quote and sing about, but it's important we don't overlook the second part to the verse. There is only one way that leads to Heaven. Only one way that leads to eternal life. That way is through Jesus.

Although there are many many different ways to live life, Jesus makes it clear that there's only two destinations. One way that leads to Heaven, and all the other ways that lead to destruction:

“Enter through the narrow gate. 
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it"
- Matthew 7 v 13 - 14

The only way is through Jesus... What does that even mean? I live a good life, I believe in God, I pray sometimes, I help people, I've a good job, a nice house and a lovely family. Surely I'm going to Heaven? Well actually, only people who give their lives to Jesus go to Heaven. That's the only way to be saved. Jesus is the only way.

So now you know how to get there, where are you going?

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

'I am the resurrection'

What was your favourite bed time story when you were younger?

Was it a nursery rhyme like Humpty Dumpty? Was it a fairy tale like Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Or maybe you were like me, and appreciated any of a number of classic Roald Dahl stories.

One of my all time favourites from Roald Dahl's books was George's Marvellous Medicine. As a young lad with a big imagination, I used to love dreaming of creating my own marvellous medicine one day and imagining what all it would do! If you have never read any of Roald Dahl's books, then do yourself a favour and check them out after you finish reading this blog of course!

They were great stories. And I used to get lost in their worlds with my imagination. But at the end of the day, they were just that. Stories. Fictional characters in fantasy worlds. Creative, engaging, interesting, yes, but ultimately made up. I loved reading them, but I never mistook them for reality.

The question is, however, when we read the Bible, is it also just a nice book of stories and fairy tales? A collection of made up characters, in a fantasy world, and their interesting stories. Or is it real? Do you believe it?

In John 11 v 25 - 26, we're posed this very question by Jesus Himself...

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Jesus sums up the great news of the Gospel. That if you believe in Him - call yourself one of His followers, and live a life getting to know and glorifying God - then you will spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven. Then He asks a question that we all have to answer one way or another, do you believe this?

Is the Bible a nice book to read before bed? A great collection of stories to be enjoyed and get lost in. Or is it much much more. Is it truth and life spoken from the lips of the Creator Himself? Is it real? 

Do you believe this?