Thursday, 9 October 2014

The Part of the Bible We Don't Read

There's probably two different types of passages that I tend to skim over, or skip altogether, whenever I'm reading my Bible. It's not because I don't agree, or because they offend me. It's because in all honesty, forgive me, but they're tedious and rather boring. Are you the same as me? Aren't there parts of the Bible that we tend to flick past? Without a second thought. Without trying to understand why it is in the scriptures and what it means for us today.

The first type of passage that I treat in this regard is the lists of laws and regulations for the nation of Israel in books such as Leviticus. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for letting our beards grow and avoiding the carcasses of weasels and rats. But I don't find this part of the Bible the most encouraging or interesting. So I flip on past...

The second type of passage I skim over is genealogies. His son was this guy, who was the father of that dude. I never really got the significance of including these family trees in the Word of God. However, a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine called Geoff blew my mind. He's a great guy, wise and full of insight into the Bible. Especially prophecies.

 Geoff shared that the genealogy in Genesis 5 - one I skipped past many times before - actually was a prophecy about Jesus. Take a look at it. Genesis 5. Still not see it? Just a bunch of names and how long they lived for? Yep, that's what I thought too.

Turns out each of these names mentioned has a meaning in the Hebrew, which actually makes a prophecy when all put together. Check it out below...

Adam - man
Seth - appointed
Enosh - mortal
Kenan - sorrow
Mahalelel - Blessed God
Jared - Shall come down
Enoch - teaching
Methuselah - his death shall bring
Lamech - despairing
Noah - relief

So the old Bible cliche of "everything points to Jesus" really rings true here. Thousands of years before the Son of God is even born, there's a prophecy about Him right in the beginning. Mind blown. I hope this brings you guys as much encouragement as it does to me. God has a plan, and He is always faithful to His promises.

So remember this and be blessed...

Man [is] appointed [to] mortal sorrow; [but] the Blessed God shall come down teaching; His death shall bring the despairing relief.

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