Grab your Bible, and flip to Matthew 14. Or click - right here - to bring up the passage in a new tab. Verses 22 - 33 tell us the account of Jesus and Peter walking on water, which is probably a story we're all quite familiar with. Give it a quick read!
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Peter was loving life at the start, walking on the water to Jesus. But what happened? Why did he start to sink? He noticed the wind and the waves. The storm threw him off. He was distracted. Afraid. Overcome.
Life is hard sometimes. I don't want to be negative, or pessimistic, but I think that's just reality of living in this fallen world. There will be hard times. We're going to struggle. There will be storms. Whether it's relationship problems, dealing with a death, or exam struggles. Unfortunately, hard times are an inevitable part of our lives. But how do we cope with them..?
If you are not strengthening the inner man or woman by daily walking with God now, when a crisis comes you will quake with fear and give in, having no strength to stand up for Christ.
- Billy Graham
1) Be proactive, not reactive! Don't wait until you start struggling with something, start preparing before. It's interesting that it's during the hardest times in our lives that we neglect Jesus - the one who can actually help us, comfort us and strengthen us during these struggles. Seems illogical! Focus on your relationship with God now when it's all plain sailing, before the storms come. If we can't focus on Jesus during the good times, how are we going to draw close to Him during the bad times?
2) If you're struggling with something, remember you're not alone. You have people to talk to, to share the burden with and to pray with. Friends, family, your youth leader. But first and foremost, turn to God. It doesn't matter if it's a big deal, or a small struggle, He's a loving Father who cares for His children.
Remember what happened to Peter when he was overcome by the storm, and cry out to Jesus for help.
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