Tuesday, 6 September 2016

How was your summer?

To say that I've had a good summer would be an understatement.

At present, it's the last full day of my time in the United States. A time of good weather, good food, and good friends. A time of rodeos and road trips, and of the concert of my favourite band Blink 182. A time that started in Texas, and despite being spent in 11 different states, will also finish in Texas. But that's just been the last two weeks...

In June, I was relaxing on a sunny beach in Portugal with a good friend. In July, I was back in my second home of Latvia, leading a team of young people on a mission trip. During this time, I also received news that I had graduated University with a first class honours. August was non-stop action, filled with summer schemes and an SU camp, and of course my trip to Texas.

But to call my summer good would not only be an understatement, it would be an injustice. Not because using a different adjective such as 'great' or 'awesome' would change anything, no. But because the longer I think of all my experiences in the last three months, and the deeper I reflect on these moments, the more I realise that I have had a 'privileged' summer. It hasn't just been good, it has been a privilege.

An Instant with Eternal Significance

I really felt God speaking this word, 'privileged', to me during a Scripture Union camp in Ballycastle, up the North Coast, at which I am a leader every summer. To see an 11 year old get up in front of her peers, and leaders, and to share her testimony was truly astonishing. To hear about how her perception of God had changed, and how her relationship with the Father had grown, was profound. She shared how she became a follower of Jesus at this very camp two years ago, and prayed a prayer that changed her life with two of the leaders. One of these leaders was me.

Seeing this incredible display of faith, and hearing about Jesus' transformation of a young person's life, was emotional for me. If this girl was standing here being used in such a powerful way by God at 11 years old, then I can only imagine how massively God will continue to use her in the future. Despite the fact that I maybe wouldn't ever see her again, or be able to continue to disciple her in her faith, to be a small part of her journey, and likewise for her to be a small part of my story, is nothing other than a true privilege.

'Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.'

After this evening at camp, I've been spending a lot of time reflecting on all the children and young people that I've had the privilege serving and serving alongside this summer. Children and young people who are growing up to be men and women of God. Growing up and stepping out for Christ. Growing up to change the world for His glory.

I don't want to just rejoice in these privileges, but I want to give thanks to God for them. It will forever blow my mind how God uses ordinary, flawed people like myself for His Kingdom works.

How about you? How was your summer?

Monday, 4 April 2016

Don't Save Your Palm Branches

Today is the first day back to work, school or bread and butter for most people after having a well-deserved break over Easter. I'm back to University tomorrow, and already Easter seems like a distant memory, a fleeting thought.

So that's my question to you... When does Easter finish? When do you start to forget about Easter and start looking forward to the summer? Is it when you're back to work or school? Is it when you finish your last Easter egg?

When we get past Easter, and start heading toward summer, we tend to forget about everything even remotely related to Easter. When I say Easter, I don't mean a general concept or holiday. I mean the true meaning of Easter, the foundation of my faith as a follower of Jesus. The death. The resurrection. The hope and promise of salvation.

Every year at Easter, on Palm Sunday, you'll hear the great story about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The donkey. The palm branches. The praise. Check it out...

A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, 
“Hosanna to the Son of David!” 
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
- Matthew 21 v 8 - 9

This is such a great passage! It compels us to give Jesus all the praise and glory that He deserves. But how come we rarely hear about it unless it's Easter? Everything this passage epitomises, it all seems to get saved for one or two weeks during the year. Why do we only break out the palm branches at Easter?

The message that Christ is King - our Lord and Saviour - is one that indeed we should be celebrating like the crowds in the passage. My problem is simply that I don't do this enough. You see, we kid ourselves into thinking that praise and worship are actions, but they're not. They're attitudes. They're lifestyles. Shouldn't we be living a lifestyle of praise as followers of Christ?

So as we move past Easter, and head towards summer, let's bring our palm branches with us.

Let's not save our palm branches just for Easter.

Monday, 14 March 2016

'I am the vine'

Ever tried growing a plant? It's hard work. It takes effort. 

The plant needs to be fed. It needs light, it needs water. The plant needs to be nurtured constantly in order to grow to the point where it can bud or produce fruit

In the same way, living as a follower of Jesus takes effort too. Just like a plant won't grow without water or light, we can't grow spiritually without reading the Word of God, praying and having fellowship with Him and others. We need to nurture our relationship with Jesus if we want to see fruit in our lives.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing"
- John 15 v 5

In the very next verse, Jesus reminds his followers that it's not a choice to bear fruit. Rather, if they continue to abide in him, then they will see fruit in their lives.

"If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned"
- John 15 v 6

Followers of Christ don't have an easy job. We've big boots to fill. We're trying to live like Jesus, the Son of God himself. But that's exactly what it means to follow Jesus; that's exactly what it means to bear fruit. That the characteristics of Jesus should be evident in our lives for others to see. What exactly do these fruit look like? Well Galatians 5 v 22 - 23 lists the Fruit of the Spirit as:

It's important to remember that growth takes time. Seeds aren't planted and the next day bear fruit. They take a lot of time and effort, constant nurturing. It's all about a process of transformation

‘Your life, as a believer, if you’re a believer, should look far different today than it did this time last year. And far different last year than it did the year before. You should be growing in the fruits of the Spirit. You should look more like Jesus every single day.'
- Clayton Jennings

What a challenge. Think back to last year... have you been growing? In a year's time, as you sit back to now, how much will you have grown?

Don't neglect your growth.

'I am the way, the truth and the life'

Where are you going?

“I am the way and the truth and the life. 
No one comes to the Father except through me"
- John 14 v 6

We all remember the first part of the verse, don't we? It has almost become a Christian cliché, a nice encouraging verse that we can quote and sing about, but it's important we don't overlook the second part to the verse. There is only one way that leads to Heaven. Only one way that leads to eternal life. That way is through Jesus.

Although there are many many different ways to live life, Jesus makes it clear that there's only two destinations. One way that leads to Heaven, and all the other ways that lead to destruction:

“Enter through the narrow gate. 
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it"
- Matthew 7 v 13 - 14

The only way is through Jesus... What does that even mean? I live a good life, I believe in God, I pray sometimes, I help people, I've a good job, a nice house and a lovely family. Surely I'm going to Heaven? Well actually, only people who give their lives to Jesus go to Heaven. That's the only way to be saved. Jesus is the only way.

So now you know how to get there, where are you going?

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

'I am the resurrection'

What was your favourite bed time story when you were younger?

Was it a nursery rhyme like Humpty Dumpty? Was it a fairy tale like Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Or maybe you were like me, and appreciated any of a number of classic Roald Dahl stories.

One of my all time favourites from Roald Dahl's books was George's Marvellous Medicine. As a young lad with a big imagination, I used to love dreaming of creating my own marvellous medicine one day and imagining what all it would do! If you have never read any of Roald Dahl's books, then do yourself a favour and check them out after you finish reading this blog of course!

They were great stories. And I used to get lost in their worlds with my imagination. But at the end of the day, they were just that. Stories. Fictional characters in fantasy worlds. Creative, engaging, interesting, yes, but ultimately made up. I loved reading them, but I never mistook them for reality.

The question is, however, when we read the Bible, is it also just a nice book of stories and fairy tales? A collection of made up characters, in a fantasy world, and their interesting stories. Or is it real? Do you believe it?

In John 11 v 25 - 26, we're posed this very question by Jesus Himself...

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Jesus sums up the great news of the Gospel. That if you believe in Him - call yourself one of His followers, and live a life getting to know and glorifying God - then you will spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven. Then He asks a question that we all have to answer one way or another, do you believe this?

Is the Bible a nice book to read before bed? A great collection of stories to be enjoyed and get lost in. Or is it much much more. Is it truth and life spoken from the lips of the Creator Himself? Is it real? 

Do you believe this?

Monday, 15 February 2016

'I am the Good Shepherd'

One of my fondest memories of sheep was last summer.
That must be the strangest way I've started a blog, but let me explain...

Every August I have the privilege of helping at Causeway Primary Camp, a Scripture Union camp based in Ballycastle for p5-p7s. On the Thursday, we always take the kids to Watertop Farm for a day of outdoor pursuits. Last year while we were there, one of the farmers was shearing the sheep in the barn, and we were all able to watch. As if that wasn't cool enough, one of the sheep didn't fancy being bald and did a runner into the crowd, which was us. When we tried to stop the sheep from escaping the barn, he jumped into the air and head butted the leader of our camp. It's a great memory.

Sheep. Shepherds. It's common imagery used throughout the Scriptures, and last night at YF in Helen's Bay Youth we were looking at Jesus' latest 'I am' statement. You guessed it, it's about sheep...

I am the good shepherd. 
The good shepherd lays his life down for the sheep.
- John 10 v 11

So Jesus is the shepherd, and we are the sheep. Sounds simple enough, right? But so what? How is Jesus like a shepherd, and how are we like sheep? I think one of the best passages to understand the Father-heart of God as our shepherd is found in the Gospel of Luke. It's found in the form of a parable, told by none other than the Good Shepherd Himself. Check it:

“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’
- Luke 15 v 4 - 6

Amazing. God doesn't just care about the collective group of sheep, He cares about each individual sheep. As Serena quite poignantly put it at YF, Jesus knows each of us not by our number but by our name. He's a personal shepherd. Jesus guides, protects, and provides for not just the flock of sheep, but for every single sheep. He isn't just a shepherd, he's my shepherd. Your shepherd.

I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me.
- John 10 v 14

The Good Shepherd certainly knows you on a deep, intimate and personal level. But the question that we must ask ourselves is, do we know him in the same deep, intimate and personal way?

If you're a sheep in Jesus' flock, 
don't you think it's time to get to know the Shepherd? 

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

"I am the gate"

An Arab spy had been captured and sentenced to death by a general of the Persian army. The general had fallen upon a strange and weird custom. He permitted the condemned person to make a choice. He could either face the firing squad or pass through the Black Door.

As the moment of execution drew near, the general ordered the spy to be brought before him for a short, final interview, the primary purpose of which was to receive the answer of the doomed man to the query: "Which shall it be -- the firing squad or the Black Door?"

This was not an easy question, and the prisoner hesitated, but soon made it known that he much preferred the firing squad. Not long thereafter a volley of shots in the courtyard announced that the grim sentence had been fulfilled.

The general, staring at his boots, turned to his aide and said, "You see how it is with men, they will always prefer the known way to the unknown. It is characteristic of people to be afraid of the undefined. And yet I gave him his choice."

"What lies beyond the Black Door?" asked the aide.
"Freedom," replied the general, "and I've known only a few men brave enough to take it."

Just like in this story, we all have a choice in our lives. Choose the door that leads to freedom or choose certain death. Jesus explained this decision when he said...

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.
They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; 
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
- John 10 v 9 - 10

Entering through the door, or gate, does not just bring freedom. It brings safety and protection. In Biblical times, the shepherd used to sleep at the gate of the sheep enclosure to protect the flock from wolves and thieves. In this same way, as Christians, we are protected and watched over by our shepherd Jesus.

As followers of Jesus, we are promised to find green pastures and have life to the full. But you only start to receive fullness in areas of your life when you make use of the pastures! Reading God's Word, spending time with God in prayer, having fellowship with other believers. That's how to make the most of the green pastures. That's when Jesus starts to work in your life. And that's when you start to feel fulfilled.

Sounds like grass is pretty green... So my question to you is...
why wouldn't you go through the gate?

Monday, 1 February 2016

'I am the light of the world'

This blog post is going to be a little different. You'll be glad to know that I won't be writing much. In fact, I want to let the young people from Helen's Bay Youth share instead.

Last night at YF, we were continuing our 'I Am' series looking at the 'I am' sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John. The topic for last night was 'I am the light of the world' found in John 8.

We spent a bit of time in silence, praying and reflecting on how Jesus is the light of the world. Three of the young people shared their thoughts at the end, and I was blown away. Hopefully you will be as encouraged and challenged reading them, as I was hearing them last night...

'People are in darkness and are afraid. Jesus is the light that guides them to a better place. He is the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel, and therefore he is their hope. People without Jesus are in the dark, but people with Jesus have seen the light and their eyes are opened by the light that is truth.'
- Amy

Are you living in spiritual darkness? Struggling in life with nowhere to turn, and nobody to turn to? Well don't worry, because just like Amy said, there's hope. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. That light is Jesus. He came to take away all our pain and suffering, and give us a better life with Him. Check it out...

'The sun turns night into day just like Jesus can change our lives around for the better, and bring us out of our sin. Jesus is the light of the world, because light takes away darkness just like Jesus took away our sin on the cross.'
- Anna

If you're reading this, and you haven't yet made that choice to accept Jesus into your heart as the light of the world, then don't wait. Just as Anna says, Jesus can change your life around for the better. He's already taken your sin away, and now he wants to be your best friend. But maybe you're reading this as a Christian already, well guess what, the next ones for you...

'Light is necessary for life and growth. For example, a plant needs light to grow tall, and it has to be able to grow its roots deep in the ground. We are like plants but our light is Jesus, and we need him to grow and develop our faith. Without him we would not be able to have a strong faith with which we are able to overcome bad times. With these "deep roots" of faith that we have, we do not get led astray by sin or any distractions that come our way.'
- Rachel

Couldn't have put it better myself. As Rachel said, we won't grow in our faith if we don't spend time with Jesus. You can be a Christian by believing in Jesus, but if you neglect your relationship with him then you're going to be like a plant that doesn't get any sunlight - withered and unhealthy. And unhealthy plants don't bear good fruit. Pick up your Bible, talk to God in prayer, get your daily dose of sunlight! Grow and be healthy in your faith!

Unbelievable! Jesus is the light of the world. You can take it so many different ways, but no matter how you take it, it will always apply to you. Have a think yourself, how else is Jesus like light? And is he shining in your life?

Monday, 25 January 2016

"I am the bread of life"

When I was younger, getting a McDonald's was a special treat. I used to love it. But nowadays, I'm not so fussed on it. Why? Because I like to be filled. I like big portions that don't leave me hungry an hour later. When you eat a Big Mac from McDonald's, sure, it tastes great. But it doesn't fill you! It doesn't satisfy the hunger. My question is, are we living a Big Mac life?

Jesus declared, 

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

- John 6 v 35

1. Satisfying the hunger

I think everyone goes through life with a hunger. A hole. A void. Call it what you will. Perhaps, it can be best described as feeling as though we're missing something. So what do we do to this hunger? We try to satisfy it. Fill the hole. Close the void. We try drinking, smoking, drugs, relationships, success, money, fame. The list goes on. The only thing that can satisfy this hunger is the bread of life. Jesus Christ. Turn to Jesus and be fulfilled. Sustained. Satisfied.

2. Eating everyday

But let's not fool ourselves into thinking that we accept Jesus into our lives, and instantly our hunger is satisfied. Don't think that because we go to church once a week then we're no longer hungry.

How long does it take you before you get hungry? How long can you go without food before you start to notice? If you're anything like me then I bet it isn't very long. A few hours usually. But have you ever thought, how long can you go without reading your Bible? How long does it take you before you start to miss praying? Again if you're anything like me, then I bet it is a lot longer...

Our spiritual food isn't any different from our physical food. We should be eating every day. How do we expect be full and satisfied in our faith if we aren't eating on a regular basis? If you only eat once a week, then you're going to be physically hungry. In the same way, if we only spend meaningful time with Jesus, growing in our faith, once a week, then we're going to be spiritually malnourished too. If you've no appetite, then you're going to be hungry.

This scares people. It freaked people out when Jesus was preaching this message thousands of years ago, and likewise it freaks people out when they hear this today. Total commitment? Nah, I just want a little bit of Jesus in my life. Just a few crumbs. They eat rarely, and as a result are rarely satisfied. Everyone wants to be full, but nobody wants to eat. They're living the Big Mac life. What are you eating?

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

"I am He"

Have you ever been thirsty?
A hot summer's day, absolutely parched for a drink? The type of thirst that only an ice cold glass of Fanta lemon would solve?! Well you're not the only one...

There's a passage in John 4 where Jesus is also super thirsty. Give it a quick read so you know what's going on! Basically, Jesus wants a drink. He's walking in the desert, and comes across a well. At this well there is a Samaritan woman is sitting, drawing water herself. Jesus goes over to her and asks for a drink. And a conversation takes place ensues...

But what I truly love about this passage is that I believe that it really shows the Father heart of God. A Jew and a Samaritan. A man and a woman. The Sinless with the sinner. There were so many reasons that what Jesus did was culturally wrong, socially unacceptable and religiously forbidden. It doesn't seem to matter when God sees one of His children whom He loves. The question for us today, as Christians, as the Church, does it matter to us too? The people that don't fit in, the ones that are pushed to the margins of society, those people that nobody else loves. Do we love them? Are we more concerned with reputation and popularity? Perhaps we'd rather judge them because they live differently to us? Maybe we should be more focused on reaching out a loving hand across a chasm of division and hurt? Maybe we should follow the example of Christ Himself.

The woman said, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) "is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us." 

Then Jesus declared, "I who speak to you am he."

The woman tries to tell Jesus that she'll wait until the Messiah comes so he can explain everything to her then. Little does she know she's already talking to the Messiah! She's talking to the very Saviour she's been waiting for without even knowing it! So Jesus tells her - I am He. What he's basically saying to her is, I'm here now so what are you waiting for?

And that's my exact same question to you. What are you waiting for? That's the challenge. Are you reading this as somebody who is thinking about making that commitment to following Jesus and perhaps you're just putting it off? What are you waiting for?! Are you reading this as a Christian already, but lately you haven't been reading your Bible or praying or going to Church. What are you waiting for?! To all of us reading, are we showing compassion, kindness and love to the groups of people and individuals that nobody else does. If we don't... then what are we waiting for?!

Are you thirsty? Then don't wait. Drink now.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

8 comes before 22

What would you do with £57.8 million?

On Saturday night the National Lottery Jackpot was at a record £57.8 million. It got me thinking about being gifted such a life changing sum of money. Never working again, never needing to earn a living. So I had a look online, and was reading an article that listed on average the top 10 best paid jobs in USA in 2015. The top 3 were as follows:

Surgeon - $352,220
Psychiatrist - $181,880
Physician (GP) - $180,180

High powered jobs. Big salaries. But the money doesn't come for free, it is earned. And although in our lives we need to work hard and earn a living, there is one thing that we don't need to earn. And it's worth remembering. Check out Genesis 6 and the story of Noah to catch my drift...

Verse 8 - But Noah found favour in the eyes of the LORD.

Verse 22 - Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

Noah didn't earn God's favour. He didn't work hard to gain God's trust. He didn't impress God, so that He would love him. Verse 8 comes before 22. Noah had done nothing at all yet. But God still loved him, still accepted him and still called him for service.

People think the Bible is a big rulebook. A list of do's and don't's. A manual for how to live if you want to get into Heaven. And if you don't tick all the boxes then God doesn't love you and you're going to Hell. But they couldn't be further from the truth. Christianity isn't about what we can do for Jesus, it's about what Jesus has already done for us. If you follow Jesus, you don't need to earn His love.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 
and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus
- Romans 3 v 23 - 24

We live in a world where it's all about making the grade. You need to achieve the best exam results, act a certain way, dress like this, look like that. It's all about what you do - there's no results unless you earn it. But it's worth taking a breath, and remembering that you don't need to earn anything from God. There's no pressure, because He already loves you. Whether you fail your exams or not. Whether you're on the sports team or not. Whether you're the most popular kid in class or not. Whether you earn the highest salary or not. God loves you.

As followers of Jesus, we should live a certain way and do certain things not because our salvation or relationship with God depends on it. God already loves us, and we can't work our way into Heaven. We don't go to church or read the Bible so that God will love us. We follow Jesus and live this way, because God already loves us. And He sent His son Jesus to die for us. For you too. Our belief should dictate our behaviour, not the other way around.

Religion says - "I obey therefore I am accepted by God."
The Gospel says - "I am accepted by God therefore I obey."

All you need to do is confess with your mouth and believe with your heart. Jesus already earned your freedom on the cross. 

Remember that 8 comes before 22.