Last night at YF, we were continuing our 'I Am' series looking at the 'I am' sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John. The topic for last night was 'I am the light of the world' found in John 8.
We spent a bit of time in silence, praying and reflecting on how Jesus is the light of the world. Three of the young people shared their thoughts at the end, and I was blown away. Hopefully you will be as encouraged and challenged reading them, as I was hearing them last night...
'People are in darkness and are afraid. Jesus is the light that guides them to a better place. He is the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel, and therefore he is their hope. People without Jesus are in the dark, but people with Jesus have seen the light and their eyes are opened by the light that is truth.'
- Amy
Are you living in spiritual darkness? Struggling in life with nowhere to turn, and nobody to turn to? Well don't worry, because just like Amy said, there's hope. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. That light is Jesus. He came to take away all our pain and suffering, and give us a better life with Him. Check it out...
'The sun turns night into day just like Jesus can change our lives around for the better, and bring us out of our sin. Jesus is the light of the world, because light takes away darkness just like Jesus took away our sin on the cross.'
- Anna
If you're reading this, and you haven't yet made that choice to accept Jesus into your heart as the light of the world, then don't wait. Just as Anna says, Jesus can change your life around for the better. He's already taken your sin away, and now he wants to be your best friend. But maybe you're reading this as a Christian already, well guess what, the next ones for you...
'Light is necessary for life and growth. For example, a plant needs light to grow tall, and it has to be able to grow its roots deep in the ground. We are like plants but our light is Jesus, and we need him to grow and develop our faith. Without him we would not be able to have a strong faith with which we are able to overcome bad times. With these "deep roots" of faith that we have, we do not get led astray by sin or any distractions that come our way.'
- Rachel
Couldn't have put it better myself. As Rachel said, we won't grow in our faith if we don't spend time with Jesus. You can be a Christian by believing in Jesus, but if you neglect your relationship with him then you're going to be like a plant that doesn't get any sunlight - withered and unhealthy. And unhealthy plants don't bear good fruit. Pick up your Bible, talk to God in prayer, get your daily dose of sunlight! Grow and be healthy in your faith!
Unbelievable! Jesus is the light of the world. You can take it so many different ways, but no matter how you take it, it will always apply to you. Have a think yourself, how else is Jesus like light? And is he shining in your life?
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